At DTS we are firm believers that all Christians can benefit from solid biblical and theological study of the Word. But at the same time we understand that not everyone can leave their job or ministry to attend seminary full-time. That is why we are excited to announce that starting Fall 2019, we will be offering courses in Fort Worth leading to two of our most popular graduate degrees: our Master of Biblical and Theological Studies (MBTS), Master of Arts in Christian Leadership (MACL), and our Master of Arts in Christian Studies (MACS).
Our Fort Worth location is hosted by Christ Chapel Bible Church. Located on the west side of Fort Worth, CCBC provides easy access to Dallas Theological Seminary courses without the hassle of driving to downtown Dallas. Students in Fort Worth pursuing their MBTS, MACL, or MACS degree will have a variety of ways they can take courses: from fully online courses, to video conference courses, to weekend-intensive courses that meet one weekend per semester in Fort Worth.
The MBTS is a 36-credit-hour degree designed for working professionals and laypersons who desire to be equipped in the Word of God so that they can better minister and serve others in the workforce, at home, and in the church. With the MBTS you get an overview of the entire Biblical story, learn key theological concepts, and have the flexibility to choose from over a dozen electives based on your interests and calling.
BE 101 – Bible Study Methods and Hermeneutics (3 hours)
BE 201 – The Story of Scripture (3 hours)
BE 505 – The Kingdom and Covenants (3 hours)
ST 101 – Theological Method and Bibliology (3 hours)
Other Theological Studies Courses (6 hours)
PM 105 – Christian Life and Witness (3 hours)
RS 101 – Orientation and Research Methods (3 hours)
RS 103 – Summative Research Project (3 hours)
Electives (13 hours) – MBTS students can choose from a wide variety of electives we offer here at DTS in order to customize their degree.
The MACL is a 66-credit-hour degree designed to provide graduate-level biblical and theological education to prepare students for organizational leadership roles in a wide variety of ministry settings.The training prepares students to assume leadership positions in church, parachurch, missions and marketplace contexts.
BE 101 – Bible Study Methods and Hermeneutics (3 hours)
BE 102 – Old Testament History I (3 hours)
BE 103 – Old Testament History II and Poetry (2 hours)
BE 104 – Old Testament Prophets (3 hours)
BE 105 – The Gospels (2 hours)
BE 106 – Acts and Pauline Epistles (3 hours)
BE 107 – Hebrews, General Epistles, and Revelation (3 hours)
BE 109 – Ruth, Psalms, Jonah, and Selected Epistles (3 hours)
ST 101 – Theological Method and Bibliology (3 hours)
ST 102 – Trinitarianism (3 hours)
ST 103 – Angelology, Anthropology, and Hamartiology (3 hours)
ST 104 – Soteriology (3 hours)
ST 105 – Sanctification and Ecclesiology (3 hours)
ST 106 – Eschatology (3 hours)
PM 105 – Christian Life and Witness (3 hours)
RS 101 – Orientation and Research Methods (1 hour)
RS 103 – Summative Research Project (1 hour)
EML 101 – Introduction to Educational Ministry and Leadership (3 hours)
EML 103* – Teaching Process (2 hours)
EML 104* – Media Presentations (1 hour)
EML 330 – Personal and Organizational Leadership Development (3 hours)
INT 155 – MACL Ministry Formation Internship (3 hours)
Spiritual Formation (4 semesters).
MACL Electives (9 hours)
*Students may substitute EML105 Teaching Process and Media Presentations (3 hours) for EML103 and EML104.
The MACS is a 63-credit-hour degree designed to provide a graduate-level biblical and theological foundation for lay leaders who desire training for more effective ministry within their church or organization. With the MACS, you can demonstrate a synthetic understanding of the Bible, support theological views and apply them to contemporary issues, and communicate biblical and theological knowledge to a contemporary audience.