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of Biblical & Theological Studies

The Dallas Theological Seminary MBTS Degree

The MBTS is a 36-hour degree designed for working professionals and laypersons who desire to be equipped to serve in the workforce, at home, and in the church.

Seminary Online

Online Courses and Logos Bible Software

DTS has partnered with Logos Bible Software to offer $14,000 worth of biblical and theological resources. Through Logos and convenient online courses, you earn an MBTS degree right where you are, so you can stay on mission while you train for the future.

Sample Classes Offered

– Theology of Technology
– Philosophy of Religion
– Pastoral Counseling
— Effective Small Group Ministry
– History of Doctrine
– Elements of Greek
– The Christian Home: Communication & Conflict Resolution
– Bible Manners & Customs
– Trinitarianism
– Introduction to World Missions

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3909 Swiss Avenue
Dallas, TX 75204-6411
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